Junior Ambassadors
Junior Ambassadors Program
The mission of the Junior Ambassadors program is to provide Creighton students with an understanding of our world, its diverse cultures, and America’s relationship with it.
Since 1991, the Jr. Ambassadors Program has provided thousands of students the opportunity to learn about the culture and history of the United States, and the culture, history and languages of different countries from around the world through after-school classes, field trips and travel for students in third – eighth grade.
How to Become a Junior Ambassador
To apply for the program, students must complete an application including references from teachers and community members, and submit it to the Junior Ambassador Liaison teacher at their school. The students’ families must be willing to support their efforts. This primarily consists of financial contributions (individually or through fund-raising efforts) and attending parent meetings, and assuring that students attend after-school classes. Applications can be obtained from the Jr. Ambassador Liaison at your school.
You can view the requirements here.
NOTE: Jr. Ambassadors who travel outside of the USA must have legal residency in the United States and passports. Visas may be required.
Teachers interview applicants and select those with good recommendations, strong motivation, enthusiasm, excellent citizenship and life skill qualities, and academic effort. This means maintaining or improving grades.
All students attend after-school classes to learn communication and leadership skills, global citizenship, geography, culture, and service-learning projects.
Contact Us
Ruth Allen
Junior Ambassadors Program Teacher on Assignment
2181 E. McDowell Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85006
“I have traveled to 76 countries, and it all started with the Jr. Ambassadors Program. I always thought travel was for the rich, that it was a luxury I wouldn't ever be privileged to experience as a child in the foster care system. But there I was, at the age of 13, boarding my first airplane and off to change my life. I now understand the value of meeting other people face-to-face, hearing their stories and learning from their experiences, as well as sharing mine with them. The world is no longer off limits to me. It's something I need. In fact, it's something I deserve. It's something everyone, no matter their background, deserves. I am now a military officer, I've studied 2 languages and hold a master's degree from a foreign university. I will sail my ship around the world as an ambassador of the US, with confidence and humility. And it all started with the Jr. Ambassadors.”
- Jennifer Floyd, Junior Ambassador Alumni