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Available Special Education Services

The Creighton Elementary School District provides a full continuum of special education services for each individual student in the least restrictive environment.  Our goal is to help students be as successful as possible with the general education curriculum (e.g. reading, writing, math, social studies, science, and special areas) and with meeting non-academic expectations for all students their age (e.g. communication, motor skills, adaptive skill, social and emotional skills).

Each model and level of service is available for consideration by the Individual Education Plan (IEP) team for all eligible students, regardless of category of disability.  Determinations by the IEP team are solely based on the specific needs of the individual student.  As such, a single student may receive services through a variety of models (e.g. they may receive reading services through inclusive instruction and hearing services through itinerant instruction).  The various program models and levels of service are listed below from the least restrictive to the most restrictive:

Creighton School District Special Education Program Models:

Consultation (Available to All Ages): In some areas, a student’s needs might be met within the general education classroom by the general education teacher with guidance and support of special education teacher on providing accommodations and progress monitoring.  Under a consultation model, the special education teacher may conduct observations of the student in the classroom setting, but does not work directly with the student.  Note: This model can be used for eligible preschool-aged students enrolled in a district Community Education Preschool program.

Itinerant Instruction (Available to All Ages): Students requiring minimal special education services to meet an area of need may benefit from Itinerant Instruction. This level of service provides the student with intermittent instruction, consultation, and/or materials provided by district-wide special education teachers. Itinerant instruction may be provided to student regardless of program enrollment.

Cross-Categorical (CC) Inclusive Instruction (Available to All Ages): Students may receive instruction through a co-teaching approach.  In this model, the general education and special education teachers both provide instruction and supports to all students in the general education classroom, ensuring that students with special needs receive individualized supports.  This model is presented for part of the school day. Note: This model can be used for eligible preschool-aged students enrolled in a district Community Education Preschool program. 

Cross-Categorical (CC) Pull Out Instruction (Available to All Ages): Students may receive instruction from a special education teacher in a separate classroom for part of their school day. This level of service supplements or replaces regular class instruction depending on the student's needs. Resource teachers typically work with students in skill deficits in core subjects, and provide individual or small group instruction as determined by the IEP team. All of our schools provide resource special education services. Note: This model can be used for eligible preschool-aged students enrolled in a district Community Education Preschool program.

Self-Contained Programs (Available to All Ages): At this level of service, students with needs that cannot be met by itinerant or cross-categorical level services receive instruction in a separate classroom for the majority of their school day. These programs offer specialized learning environments to ensure educational success. Depending on the specific program, learning environments may specialize in developing social/emotional skills, addressing medical fragility, or modifying learning to meet the cognitive and communication needs of the student.  Each program is led by a teacher with additional support provided by instructional assistants. The goal of each self-contained program is to help students develop academic and/or non-academic skill they need to be able function in general education settings.  This includes providing opportunities through the school day for students to interact with their non-disabled peers in meaningful ways (including meal time, recesses, content classes, and special area classes). Self-contained program class sizes are kept smaller than the general education classroom to provide the educational support needed by the students. Currently, the Creighton School District’s Self-Contained programs include: Developmental Preschool, a Social/Emotional Program, Varied Exceptionality Programs, and a Multiple Disability Program.

Private Day Schools (Available to All Ages): Students whose IEP needs exceed those of a self-contained program may need the support of a private day school. All students placed into a private day school are considered Creighton School District students. Students are assigned a district case manager to ensure that the students' progress is monitored and, when exit criteria are met, that the student is reintegrated into Creighton schools.

Homebound Instruction (Available to All Ages): Homebound instruction is provided for special education students who, because of medical problems documented by a physician, are either unable to attend regular classes for a period of not less than three school months; or capable of learning at school but are unable to attend classes for intermittent periods of time totaling three school months during a school year.

Additional Available Programs

Service Plans (Available to Kindergarten – 8th grade): When a student is parentally placed in private, parochial or home-schooled, not due to FAPE, the district is responsible for child find and evaluation of these students. Following evaluation and identification, the district team will report recommendations of service should the student enroll in the district. 

Related Services (Available to All Ages): Related services include transportation and other support services, such as speech or physical therapy, required for students with disabilities to benefit from special education. Speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy are available at all of our district schools.

Extended School Year Services (Available to All Ages): Extended school year (ESY) services are offered to eligible special education students during summer vacation. ESY is for students who lose critical skills during regular breaks in instruction and who require an excessive amount of time to regain those skills. Other factors may be considered. Skills appropriate for ESY consideration include those related to self-sufficiency, behavior, socialization, communication and academics. A student's need and eligibility for ESY instruction is determined by the IEP team.