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Supporting Adventurous Learning through Technology

The Creighton School District and community provides all students with access to a technology rich environment that includes laptops and iPads, enabling students to create, communicate, collaborate, and think critically in a digital world.

The Creighton School District has provided all teachers and staff with job embedded coaching and mentoring, empowering teachers to create technology enriched, student-centered learning environments.

Our Staff

Russell Deneault, Director of Information Systems & Technology

Jayme Ofsthun, Network Administrator
Robyn Griffith, Technology Trainer/Network Administrator

Synergy Support
Lara Janicki, Data Processing Manager
Carolyn Benson, Fiscal Services Coordinator

Help Desk Support
Steve Kenny, Help Desk Manager
Andre Bourgeois, Computer Support Specialist
Tim Turner, Computer Support Specialist
Ed Cieslak, Computer Support Specialist
Jen Tichavsky, Computer Support Specialist

Educational Technology
Robyn Griffith, Technology Trainer/Network Administrator
Caitlin Maury, Education Technology Specialist & Technology Peer Coach

Technology Help Desk

The Creighton IT department is pleased to announce a new and easy way to create helpdesk tickets for all of your district technology assistance needs. IncidentIQ replaces the existing Sharepoint website you used before.

  • To log in, go to 
  • Click the Google SSO button to sign in
  • You will be prompted to select your Google account or to sign in if not already connected.
  • Once you select your Creighton Google account, you’re signed in; it’s that easy!

Welcome to IncidentIQ. We suggest you bookmark this page for easy access.

To create a new request, click the New Ticket button and follow the prompts to help us understand what the ticket is about. Don’t worry about getting the ticket type perfect, we can help you out once we start working on the ticket with you.

You can click on the information at the top of the screen once you’ve started a ticket to update the location and type at any time:

Once you’ve selected the issue type, give us a brief description with your best understanding of the issue and submit your ticket. It will be assigned to the IT team and we will contact you back to begin troubleshooting as soon as possible. You will receive email updates when your ticket is updated and you can return to IncidentIQ at any time to view your open and past tickets.

We look forward to working with you and continuing on our journey for every-improving service! For questions about using IncidentIQ or if you can’t access the site for any reason, please call the Help Desk at 602-381-6015.

What kind of issues or questions does the helpdesk support?

  • Account accessibility and password issues (email, voicemail, etc.)
  • Hardware support (laptop, iPad, phone)
  • Network/Internet connectivity issues
  • Software
  • Website and app access
  • How-to questions
  • General Creighton technology questions – we’re here to help connect you with the right person!