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Parent Participation & Codes of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Parent Involvement Expectations

Parent Meetings: Parent/Guardian cooperation, communication, and support between school personnel, coaches, athletes, and parents are essential to the success of the Creighton Athletic Program. The program goals include a positive experience for each athlete in the program.

Parents/ legal guardians must attend a mandatory pre-season meeting for each sports season when they have participating athletes. If a parent/guardian is unable to attend, they must arrange a time to speak to the coach prior to the first game to review the expectations and conduct for parents/guardians and student athletes.

Communicating with the Coach: We know how important it is for coaches to remain focused on the student athletes before, during and/or after games. Therefore, if a parent would like to discuss a personal matter or concerns about his or her student’s involvement in the sports program, please email the coach to arrange a time to meet and discuss the particular matter.

Parents/guardians are expected to:

  • Remember that their involvement and support is vital to their child’s overall academic, athletic, and personal success.
  • Attend as many athletic contests as their schedules will permit to support their student athlete.
  • Be an exemplary role model by displaying good sportsmanship at all times and respecting spectators, coaches, game officials, administrators, and participants.
  • Try their best to ensure their child attends all practices, athletic games, and team meetings.
  • Refrain from using negative statements about the coach or the team in front of their child.
  • Provide the coach with the opportunity to address any concerns.
  • Help their child handle adversity with dignity, be gracious in defeat, humble in victory, and treat others with respect and consideration.
  • Attend the required pre-season parents' meeting(s)
  • Sign and return all important forms pertaining to the season:
    • Contract
    • Emergency Contact List
    • Permission
    • Concussion training

Athlete Code of Conduct

Creighton student athletes are students first and athletes second.Creighton student athletes always demonstrate proper conduct and good sportsmanship. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Treat officials, opponents, teammates and coaches with courtesy and respect
  • Respect the rules of the game without seeking to evade or break the spirit or letter of the rules
  • Consider visiting teams and their spectators as honored guests
  • Behave courteously as a responsible guest at other school sites
  • Be gracious in victory and defeat. 
  • Attend school for a full day to participate in practice or in a competition.
  • Cooperate with all school personnel (including teachers, coaches, support staff, bus drivers, custodians, administrators) during all school-related times and events.
  • Report on time for all practices and competitions unless excused by a coach in advance. Excessive absences will adversely affect the cohesiveness of the team.
  • Travel to and from athletic events under the supervision of the coach. Only the coach may authorize students to leave with their parents and guardians.
  • Remain academically eligible.
  • Take proper care of uniforms and equipment. Uniforms and practice equipment must be returned to the coach immediately following the athletic event or practice.
  • Demonstrate a high level of sportsmanship.
  • Be honest. Athletes are expected to maintain a high level of conduct in and out of school.
  • The use of tobacco, illegal drugs, or alcohol is strictly prohibited and is a cause for removal from the CSD athletic program for the remainder of the year.
  • Athletes wishing to no longer participate in a sport must clear all responsibilities with the coach.
  • Follow all team, school and Arizona Interscholastic Association Rules.
  • Athletes who exhibit chronic or serious behavior problems may be placed on suspension from the program for the season and may be declared ineligible for the rest of the year.
  • Follow all CSD Transportation rules.

Spectator Code of Conduct

The Creighton Elementary School District Athletic Program plays an important role in promoting the physical, social, and emotional development of children. It is therefore essential for parents, coaches, and officials to encourage student athletes to embrace the values of good sportsmanship. Moreover, adults involved in youth sporting events should be models of good sportsmanship and lead by example by demonstrating fairness, respect, and self-management.

For safety reasons, any person under the age of 18 years must attend a game with a supervising adult. By attending athletic events, you are agreeing to be responsible for your words and actions and shall conform to the following code of conduct:

  • I will engage, and encourage any other person to engage in sportsmanlike conduct with any coach, parent, player, participant, official, or any other attendee.
  • I will engage, and encourage any other person to engage in any behavior which would maintain the health, safety, or well-being of any coach, parent, player, participant, official, or any other attendee.
  • I will engage, and encourage any other person to engage, in the use of appropriate language.
  • I will treat, and encourage others to treat, coaches, parents, players, participants, officials, and any other attendees with respect regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or ability.
  • I will engage, and encourage any other person to engage, in refraining from verbal or physical threats or abuse aimed at any coach, parent, player, participant, official, or any other attendee.
  • I will engage, and encourage any other person to participate in a positive manner, and to refrain from initiating a fight or scuffle with any coach, parent, player, participant, official, or any other attendee.

If I am under the age of 18, I will attend the game with an adult. I understand I will not be permitted to attend a game without an adult.

By attending and/or participating in athletic events, you understand that failure to abide by the code of conduct may result in, but not limited to, the following disciplinary actions:

  • Verbal warning
  • Immediate removal from the athletic event
  • Suspension from future athletic events (games or seasons)