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Community Preschool

The Creighton Community Preschool program is free for qualifying families. There are multiple locations throughout the district and part-time and full-time spots available. Give us a call today for details and to see if you qualify: 602-381-6034

community preschool

Developmental Preschool

The Creighton School District Developmental Preschool provides special education services in a caring and nurturing environment for preschool aged children with developmental delays. 

If a child demonstrates delays during the play-based screening, the early childhood special education evaluation team will further assess the child in five developmental domains; communication, motor, adaptive, cognitive, and social-emotional. If a child is then found eligible for services, an Individual Education Program (IEP) is written to address the needs of the child and s/he is offered placement at one of our Developmental Preschool classes.

To determine whether your child is eligible for Developmental Preschool, and to schedule a screening, contact the preschool office at (602)381-4600 or email the Preschool Office at:

Developmental Preschool Calendar 

Developmental Preschool Flyer 

Developmental Preschool Flyer Spanish 

Screening Dates: 

Screening Dates for the 2024-2025 School Year                                                 

  • 8/7/24
  • 9/18/24
  • 10/30/24
  • 12/4/2024







We serve 3, 4, and 5-year-old students. 

*If the vision and hearing screening is not conducted during a scheduled screening date (see above), a separate date, time, and location will be determined and scheduled.

Screenings are by appointment only. Please contact Anne Harper at 602-381-4600 to schedule an appointment and complete an intake interview prior to your child’s scheduled screening observation date.

Arriving after the scheduled appointment time MAY result in having to reschedule your child’s appointment for the following month. So, please make every effort to be on time.

Screening Location: Papago School (WEST CAMPUS) Preschool Office #210 2052 North 36t h Street Phoenix, AZ 85008

NOTE: A child must reside within Creighton School District to attend a screening. If you are outside of our attendance area, please contact your local school district for more information.

Screening flyer 

Preschool days, times and locations
The program operates 4 days a week (Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays) and is 3 hours with an A.M. and P.M. option for families. The time of the program is determined by location. Locations and times include: 

Gateway School
1100 N. 35th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85008
Time: 8:10 A.M. - 11:10 A.M.
12:20 P.M. - 3:20 P.M. 

William T. Machan School
2140 E. Virginia Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85006
(602) 381-6120

Papago School
2013 N. 36th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85008
(602) 381-6100 

The Creighton Academy 
2802 E. McDowell Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85008
(602) 381-6060

Transportation is provided for eligible students who live within the district boundaries. 

The Developmental Preschool is FREE for eligible students. 

Program Details
The Developmental Preschool provides a full range of services including therapies and classes designed to meet the developmental needs of each student based on their Individual Education Plan (IEP). 

Additional Opportunities 
An additional placement option for preschool special needs students is the district's full-day (6hrs) Grant Funded Preschool Program. Special needs four-year-old preschoolers who meet the grant requirements (reside in the 4 zip codes, are 4 years old by September 1st and meet the income eligibility criteria) may be placed in the Grant Funded Preschool Program. Contact the preschool office to see if your child qualifies at (602) 381-4600 or email

Developmental Screening For Preschool-Age Children

If your child has not met age- appropriate milestones and you are concerned about their development, Creighton Elementary School District (CESD) offers FREE developmental screenings.

CESD screenings are held periodically throughout the school year for children ages two years and nine months (2.9) to five (5.0). The child must live within the CESD boundaries.

What to expect at a screening

  • Screenings take approximately 2 hours. 
  • Screenings may occur with 3-5 children in a play-based model.

WHO will work with my child?

  • A Speech-Language Pathologist will assess speech (articulation) and language (expressive/receptive) skills.
  • School Psychologists will review parent questionnaire information.
  • A Preschool Teacher will administer a standardized screening tool as well as assess social interactions and readiness through play.
  • An Occupational Therapist and/or Physical Therapist will assess fine and gross motor skill development.
  • Preschool Team members will observe your child's interactions during various child and adult-directed activities.

WHAT is the purpose of Preschool Screening?

One of the purposes of preschool screening is to comply with Arizona State Law, which requires school districts to engage in child-find activities that assist in serving children with special needs. Furthermore, screening is completed to assist in identifying children in the Creighton Elementary School District who may be in need of a full and individual evaluation to determine possible eligibility for Special Education.

What to bring

  • The child and the parent/ guardian must be present for the entirety of the screening.  
  • Screening packets must be completed prior to the screening date. Please contact the preschool offices for paperwork. 
  • Please bring a copy of the birth certificate and record of immunizations (if not already submitted). 

Screening Information

All children will be screened in the following areas:

  • Hearing
  • Vision
  • Communication (Speech)
  • Motor Skills
  • Behavior
  • Self- help skills
  • Social skills
  • Intellectual skills 

Results will be presented to families following the screening. If your child is found to be below the expected level of typical development based on the screening, they will be referred for a full evaluation by the preschool team to determine if they qualify for preschool special education services.  

Ready to schedule?

Please contact the Special Education Preschool Office to schedule a screening.

Creighton School District Preschool Office

Address:   2052 N. 36th St. Phoenix, Arizona 85008

Phone:  602-381-4600


Screening Dates for the 2024-2025 School Year