Board Statements and Resolutions
The Creighton School District Governing Board has adopted the following statements:
- Current Year funding
- Desegregation Funding Resolution
- ESA empowerment scholarship account bills
- Resolution to Condemn Hateful Speech
- A Resolution Opposing Legislative Efforts Repealing Desegregation Funding
- Resolution- Creighton District Safe Zones
- Support Increased State Education Funding and Employee Compensation
- LGBTQ resolution
- Trauma Informed Resolution
- Governing Board Resolution Denouncing the Use of Handcuffs on Students in K-8 Education Settings
- AZ School Board Secure Storage Notification Resolution
- Resolution on Testing and School Letter Grades
- Resolution on Commitment to Black Students and Black Lives
- A Resolution Prohibiting the Sales of flavored tobacco and e-cigarrettes products within the City of Phoenix
- Juneteenth Resolution
- Governing Board Resolution Supporting a FY2023 Aggregate Expenditure Limit Override