Awards and Recognition
- National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) National Distinguished Principal of the Year for Arizona: Andy Gutierrez
- Ranking Arizona: Top Ten Elementary School Districts for 2024
- A+ School of Excellence
- Recognition from the Fulton Homes' School Salute Program and AZ Family: Monte Vista Music Teacher, Sarah Jones
- National School Public Relations Association Superintendent to Watch: Jay Mann
- Apple Distinguished School: Monte Vista and Biltmore Prep. Academy
- Arizona School Public Relations Association
- Award of Excellence: Native American Family Program
- Award of Excellence: Creighton Connection Newsletter
- Award of Merit: Curriculum Dashboard
- Award of Merit: Creighton Community Newsletter
- Government Finance Officers Association for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its comprehensive financial report (CAFR)
- Association of School Business International with Excellence in Financial Reporting for the fiscal year ended 2022
- Transportation Manager of the Year by the Arizona Association for Pupil Transportation: Leticia Acevedo
- Arizona School Boards Association Golden Bell Award: Community Engagement
- Arizona School Public Relations Association
- Award of Excellence: Photography
- Award of Merit: The Creighton Academy Branding
- Award of Merit: Equity and Inclusion
- Award of Merit: Creighton Community Newsletter
- AZ Family Silver Apple Award: Stephanie Wolff, The Creighton Academy Teacher
- ASA Distinguished Administrator of the Year for the Educational Services Division: Mr. Jay Mann
- Government Finance Officers Association for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its comprehensive financial report (CAFR)
- Association of School Business International with Excellence in Financial Reporting for the fiscal year ended 2021
- Suntec Concrete Teacher Appreciation Award: Papago Teacher, Taylor Bryant
- Creighton School District is the first District in the Nation to be certified "COVID SMART"
- Creighton Superintendent, Dr. Donna W. Lewis named AASA National Superintendent of the Year for Arizona
- SRP Touch Down for Teachers Scholarship provided to Monte Vista Teacher, Ms. Anastasio
- Arizona Technology in Education Association 2020 Ed. Tech Specialist and Innovation Award presented to Papago Teacher Lauren Arrowood
- AASBO Best Practice Award received by the Creighton Child Nutrition and Wellness Department
- AASBO International Certificate in Excellence in Financial Reporting Award for the Fiscal Year 2018 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
- Institute for Mexicans Abroad Scholarship of $10,000 to the Creighton Community Education Department
- Biltmore Preparatory Academy and Monte Vista Schools named Apple Distinguished Schools
- Arizona School Public Relations Association in the areas of: 2018-2019 enrollment marketing campaign, Creighton Connection e-newsletter
- Out of School Time Professional Award of Excellence to Ivan Carvajal, Director of Community Education
- Papago students received 5th place in the First Lego Robotics League Competition
- Arizona School Boards Association in the areas of: Total Board Boardsmanship Award and All Arizona School Board Award to Jeanne Casteen
- Monte Vista School makes it to finals in the Regional E-tournement
- Arizona School Boards Association- ASBA attendance and participation:
- Certificate of Boardsmanship – Jeanne Casteen
- Associate of Boardsmanship – Amy McSheffrey
- Copper Star Award – Donna Young
- Arizona School Public Relations Association Awards in the areas of:
- Superintendent of the Year
- Photography
- Branding
- First Lego League Reginal Qualifier: Papago Lego Robotics Team
- Arizona Science Center Teacher Spotlight: Biltmore Preparatory Academy teacher, Veronica Ramirez
- Five Excelencia middle school students featured in the 1st Glen Canyon National Recreation art exhibit
- KNIX Larry H. Miller Teacher of the Month: Monte Vista Teacher Carly Bacha
- Arizona Diamondbacks School Challenge: William T. Machan School
- David Meyers Elevator in Education Award from Elevate Phoenix: Larry C. Kennedy teacher, Ellen Reibschied
- ASA Elementary Rookie Principal of the Year: Dr. Amy Burgess
- ASA Distinguished Administrator for the Superintendents Division: Dr. Donna W. Lewis
- Out of School Time finalist for the Award of Excellence- Professional Staff Award: Mr. Ivan Carvajal
- JDA Hackathon for Social Justice: Loma Linda Girls Coding Team- Uplift, created an app that helps teens suffering from emotional and physical abuse.
- Transportation Administrators of Arizona- Transportation Person of the Year- Cathy Erwin, Transportation Director
- KNIX Larry H. Miller- Teacher of the Month: William T. Machan teacher Calie Wallace
- National School Public Relations Association – Superintendents to Watch: Dr. Donna W. Lewis
- Apple Distinguished School: Monte Vista and Biltmore Prep. Academy
- Tech and Learning Online Article Feature: Technology in the Classroom
- National Board Certification: William T. Machan Teacher, Hannah Wysong
- Dave Meyer's Elevator in Education Award from Elevate Phoenix: Larry C. Kennedy teacher, Mr. Mark Milversted
- Arizona School Boards Association All Arizona School Board Award: Donna Young, Governing Board Member
- Arizona Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents Governing Board Member of the Year Award: Carl Zaragoza, Governing Board Member
- Districts of Distinction Award- District Administration Magazine: Creighton Supper Nutrition Program
- Elevate Phoenix Award for "Elevator in Education": Andy Gutierrez, Larry C. Kennedy Principal
- Arizona Technology in Education Association - Technology Support Award: Robyn Griffith, Network Admin/Technology Trainer
- Arizona School Public Relations Association:
- Governing Board of the Year - Creighton School District
- Overall School PR for Districts Under 9,999 Students
- Advocacy and Political Contributions to Education- Jeanne Casteen, Governing Board President
- Individual Contributions to Public Education- Amy McSheffrey, Governing Board Clerk